Data Download 2

This sample notebook demonstrates how to programatically download and visualize air quality data stored on the Open Storage Network. In this second version, we demonstrate the use of the AWS.jl and AWSS3.jl client libraries

using CSV, DataFrames 
using Plots
using Markdown
using AWS, AWSS3

Now that we have the requisite packages loaded, let’s set up our AWS configuration information using our custom AnonymousOSN configuration function.

We now can use AWSS3.jl to explore the files stored on OSN for central node 8.

p = S3Path(joinpath(bucket, "AirQualityNetwork/data/raw/Central_Hub_1/2023/03/02/"))

df_paths = []

for (root,dirs,files)  walkdir(p)
    for f  files
        push!(df_paths, joinpath(root, f))

15-element Vector{Any}:
 "s3://ees230012-bucket01/AirQual" ⋯ 56 bytes ⋯ "6318c91_APDS9002_2023_03_02.csv"
 "s3://ees230012-bucket01/AirQual" ⋯ 54 bytes ⋯ "e06318c91_BME280_2023_03_02.csv"
 "s3://ees230012-bucket01/AirQual" ⋯ 54 bytes ⋯ "e06318c91_BME680_2023_03_02.csv"
 "s3://ees230012-bucket01/AirQual" ⋯ 53 bytes ⋯ "1e06318c91_GL001_2023_03_02.csv"
 "s3://ees230012-bucket01/AirQual" ⋯ 54 bytes ⋯ "e06318c91_GUV001_2023_03_02.csv"
 "s3://ees230012-bucket01/AirQual" ⋯ 54 bytes ⋯ "e06318c91_HM3301_2023_03_02.csv"
 "s3://ees230012-bucket01/AirQual" ⋯ 55 bytes ⋯ "06318c91_IPS7100_2023_03_02.csv"
 "s3://ees230012-bucket01/AirQual" ⋯ 50 bytes ⋯ "_001e06318c91_IP_2023_03_02.csv"
 "s3://ees230012-bucket01/AirQual" ⋯ 54 bytes ⋯ "e06318c91_LIBRAD_2023_03_02.csv"
 "s3://ees230012-bucket01/AirQual" ⋯ 53 bytes ⋯ "1e06318c91_SCD30_2023_03_02.csv"
 "s3://ees230012-bucket01/AirQual" ⋯ 54 bytes ⋯ "e06318c91_TB108L_2023_03_02.csv"
 "s3://ees230012-bucket01/AirQual" ⋯ 55 bytes ⋯ "06318c91_TMG3993_2023_03_02.csv"
 "s3://ees230012-bucket01/AirQual" ⋯ 55 bytes ⋯ "06318c91_TSL2591_2023_03_02.csv"
 "s3://ees230012-bucket01/AirQual" ⋯ 56 bytes ⋯ "6318c91_VEML6075_2023_03_02.csv"
 "s3://ees230012-bucket01/AirQual" ⋯ 59 bytes ⋯ "ff2037bc_Summary_2023_03_02.csv"

We can now load the files directly into dataframes for continued analysis.

df = CSV.File(S3Path(df_paths[7])) |> DataFrame
9715×15 DataFrame
9690 rows omitted
Row dateTime pc0_1 pc0_3 pc0_5 pc1_0 pc2_5 pc5_0 pc10_0 pm0_1 pm0_3 pm0_5 pm1_0 pm2_5 pm5_0 pm10_0
String31 Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
1 2023-03-02 21:18:03.686980 186348 101116 61137 6795 1036 10 0 0.155705 2.4369 8.82213 14.4999 28.0323 29.1087 29.1087
2 2023-03-02 21:18:04.756650 185877 100817 60893 6789 1036 10 0 0.155312 2.42976 8.78947 14.4623 28.0025 29.149 29.149
3 2023-03-02 21:18:05.682043 185455 100555 60617 6783 1040 16 0 0.154959 2.4235 8.75437 14.4225 28.0176 29.7319 29.7319
4 2023-03-02 21:18:06.679952 185011 100310 60232 6760 1041 17 0 0.154589 2.4176 8.70829 14.357 27.959 29.8246 29.8246
5 2023-03-02 21:18:07.677839 184486 99999 59783 6724 1042 17 0 0.154149 2.41013 8.65389 14.2727 27.8843 29.7314 29.7314
6 2023-03-02 21:18:08.674922 184024 99727 59374 6693 1041 18 0 0.153763 2.40361 8.60465 14.1975 27.7991 29.7457 29.7457
7 2023-03-02 21:18:09.672863 183592 99472 58951 6660 1038 19 0 0.153403 2.39749 8.55434 14.1197 27.6844 29.7084 29.7084
8 2023-03-02 21:18:10.670898 183114 99167 58509 6623 1035 16 0 0.153003 2.39022 8.50093 14.0356 27.5565 29.3077 29.3077
9 2023-03-02 21:18:11.667976 182595 98817 58055 6587 1032 10 0 0.152569 2.3819 8.44521 13.9493 27.4383 28.5185 28.5185
10 2023-03-02 21:18:12.666070 182069 98491 57559 6542 1028 7 0 0.15213 2.37411 8.38565 13.8521 27.2784 28.071 28.071
11 2023-03-02 21:18:13.663993 181435 98084 56997 6480 1013 5 0 0.1516 2.36438 8.31723 13.7318 26.9703 27.5012 27.5012
12 2023-03-02 21:18:14.661008 180749 97619 56413 6414 995 2 0 0.151027 2.35333 8.24519 13.6052 26.6081 26.8255 26.8255
13 2023-03-02 21:18:15.658345 180081 97165 55831 6350 973 0 0 0.150469 2.34253 8.17358 13.4801 26.198 26.2421 26.2421
9704 2023-03-02 23:59:48.539369 121501 59068 11955 2241 270 0 0 0.101522 1.43411 2.68273 4.55575 8.08815 8.08815 8.08815
9705 2023-03-02 23:59:49.537345 121060 58771 11910 2222 264 0 0 0.101154 1.42705 2.67102 4.52807 7.9793 7.9793 7.9793
9706 2023-03-02 23:59:50.535837 120637 58478 11872 2205 258 0 0 0.1008 1.42007 2.66001 4.50269 7.88151 7.88151 7.88151
9707 2023-03-02 23:59:51.534259 120133 58104 11802 2183 252 0 0 0.100379 1.41122 2.64386 4.46834 7.76922 7.76922 7.76922
9708 2023-03-02 23:59:52.532713 119602 57736 11719 2158 246 0 0 0.0999347 1.40247 2.62647 4.43038 7.64456 7.64456 7.64456
9709 2023-03-02 23:59:53.530269 119180 57461 11664 2140 240 0 0 0.0995824 1.39592 2.61415 4.4026 7.54067 7.54067 7.54067
9710 2023-03-02 23:59:54.528673 118754 57177 11616 2121 234 0 0 0.0992267 1.38914 2.60234 4.37504 7.43885 7.43885 7.43885
9711 2023-03-02 23:59:55.526219 118367 56925 11570 2102 229 0 0 0.0989031 1.38314 2.59152 4.34813 7.3423 7.3423 7.3423
9712 2023-03-02 23:59:56.524240 118005 56683 11505 2081 224 0 0 0.0986006 1.37738 2.57906 4.31805 7.24628 7.24628 7.24628
9713 2023-03-02 23:59:57.522713 117585 56398 11414 2056 218 0 0 0.0982495 1.37061 2.56273 4.28131 7.13573 7.13573 7.13573
9714 2023-03-02 23:59:58.520251 117207 56148 11337 2039 213 0 0 0.097934 1.36463 2.54869 4.25284 7.03624 7.03624 7.03624
9715 2023-03-02 23:59:59.518143 116909 55961 11277 2027 208 0 0 0.0976852 1.36018 2.53798 4.2321 6.95184 6.95184 6.95184

Now that we have the data loaded we can visualize it:

That plot looks great! Let’s now demonstrate the use of notebook parameters with papermill. In the first cell we define the variable test_parameter to the value 3.14. At execution time, the value is now 1.21